At various other times, I wore my advocacy hat either proactively or reactively. Between 1986 and 1989, I wrote an advice column for the Roslyn News for little league parents. In 1990, I co-authored a front-page article in the New York Law Journal, entitled, “Child Abuse: The Supreme Court Takes Steps, But There Is More To Do” in shielding the child witness from trauma when testifying about abuse allegations., (Carrieri, J., & Gries, L. 1990). In 1998, in the lead up to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, my letter to the N.Y. Times in protest of Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr’s insistence on forcing the mother of Monica Lewinsky to testify against her own daughter, in violation of the most sacred of all human bonds, was published (Gries, L., 1998). From 1989 through 1997, I lectured on matters pertaining to child abuse, neglect, psychological permanence and decision-making in foster care at annual seminars of the Practising Law Institute. The multi-disciplined audiences consisted of a cross-section of all professionals involved in foster care. In one of the early seminars, a co-panelist was none other than the future Judge Judy, a couple of years before she stepped down from the bench as a family court judge. (Who could compete with her?) My lectures were one part educational, but an equal part advocacy. My subsequent advocacy, pertaining to the maintenance of high standards in clinical work, took various forms. In 1996 I was a co-presenter on “Models of Mental Health Intervention” at a symposium sponsored by the organization currently known as Clinicians in Child Welfare (CCW) (Gries, L., & Fribourg, A., 1996). I later served as chairman of CCW from 2004 through 2011, placing me in a leadership role advocating for children in foster care. In 1998, I helped write “ Mental Health Services for Children in Out-of-Home Care,” published in Child Welfare (Schneiderman, M., Conners, M., Fribourg, A., Gries, L., & Gonzales, M., 1998). In2002 and 2003, I was a member of the Foster Care Workgroup of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Division ll, which published standards for the medical and psychological care of children in foster care. In 2009, I was honored to contribute to a national panel in identifying “Best Practices for Mental Health in Child Welfare: Screening, Assessment and Treatment Guidelines,” published in a special issue of Child Welfare, (Romanelli, L.H., Landsverk, J., Levitt, J.M., Bellonci,C., Gries, L.T., Pecora, P.J., & Jensen, P.S., 2009). This was followed by a workshop entitled, “Best Practice Guidelines for Mental Health in Child Welfare: Contest for Reform” presented at the Annual Conference on Treatment Foster Care, (Gries, L.T. & Jensen, P.S., 2009).
More recently I’ve spoken out about issues of interest to the general public, including the impact of the Kavanaugh hearings on the principal witness, discussed in an article entitled, “Dr. Blasey’s Path to Healing following Sexual Victimization: Gaining Comprehensive Support After Disclosing”, which appeared in the Len’s In Focus Blog on WWW.IEHSERVICES.COM, (Gries, L.T., 2018). In my article, “The Best Way to Respond to Political Bullying,” which appeared in the October 26, 2018 edition of the Great Neck Press (Gries, L., 2018), I offered suggestions on how best to cope with the kind of tactics resorted to by President Trump. In yet another article, the plight of the children separated from their parents at the Mexican border was discussed in “Hearing The Voices of Forgotten Victims,” which appeared in the November 23, 2018 edition of the Roslyn Times (Gries, L., & Andrews, M.B., 2018). Finally, I presented a paper, “Promoting Emotional Health for Children and Families in Child Welfare” at the Annual ACS Conference on Destigmatizing Mental Health in Child Welfare, (Gries, L.T., 2019).
My present professional focus is on the plight of alienated children, who are often the victims of collateral damage within highly contested and adversarial child custody proceedings. I first wrote about this topic in “Measuring Parental Alienation” in the Len’s In Focus Blog on WWW.IEHSERVICES.COM, (Gries, L.T., 2016). Then in December, 2019, the article, “Family Treatment for Moderate Child Alienation” was published in the Journal of Health Service Psychology, (Gries, L. & Gries, J., 2019). In many respects working with families featuring child alienation may be the greatest clinical challenge of my 55 year career in psychology.
Although I’ve always identified primarily as clinician, as my professional history demonstrates, it is impossible to separate out the intertwining roles of educator, policy and social advocate, community activist and researcher. In one capacity or another I have aligned myself professionally with two dozen private and public organizations, including the Administration for Children’s Services of New York, the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law, the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, the Brooklyn Hebrew School for Special Children, Catholic Guardian Society, Children’s Aid Society , Forestdale, Inc., the Fresh Air fund of New York, Graham-Windham, Green Chimney’s Children’s Services, Hope for Youth, Lakeside Family and Children’s Services, the Legal Aid Society, Little Flower Children and Family Services, MercyFirst, Pius Xll Foster Care Program, Queensboro Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, The REACH Institute, Task Force on Permanency Planning for Foster Children, Inc., and Wide Horizons for Children. I have treated or supervised the treatment of over 3,000 adults, children and families, conducted over 400 specialized child sexual abuse/trauma assessments and forensic child custody/parenting plan evaluations, presented over 45 professional papers at local, national, and international forums in Canada, China and Gibraltar, authored or co-authored 13 articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as many other articles appearing in various professional handbooks, newspapers, and online websites, and I have written one book. For 17 years, from 1994 through 2011, I served as Chairman of the SCO Agency Review Board for Research, facilitating the research efforts of scores of students and professionals from within and outside the agency. Although principally a clinician, I’ve been affiliated since 2011 with ResearchGate, a social network service for scientists based in Berlin, Germany, with 15 million users worldwide. Articles I’ve authored or co-authored have been cited in the literature 357 times, with a Total Research Interest score of 184.9, as of 5/2020, placing me in the 77th percentile relative to the entire ResearchGate membership.
Articles and papers referenced throughout the four-part narrative of “My 55 Years in Psychology, 1965-2020” are listed below.
Throughout my career, I’ve been blessed with the love and support of my wife of 50 years, Susanne, our three sons, James, a psychologist, Adam, an acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese medicine, and Matthew, an architect, their wives, and our eight grandchildren. I am also extremely thankful for the good fortune of having been raised, along with my brother, Phil, in a loving, stable family headed by my parents, Nathan and Lillian, who taught me all I really had to know about positive parenting long before I embarked on my study of psychology in 1965.
Leonard T. Gries, Ph.D., DABPS
Psychologist, licensed in New York State
Diplomate, Forensic Clinical Psychology, American Board of Psychological Specialties, American College of Forensic Examiners Institute (ACFEI)
May, 2020
Gries, L. & Gries, J. (2019). Family Treatment for Moderate Child Alienation. Journal of
Health Service Psychology, 45 (3), 105-113.
Gries, L. & Andrews, M.B. (2018). Hearing the Voices of Forgotten Victims. Roslyn Times,
November 23, 2018, 6 (47), p.18.
Gries, L. (2018). The Best Way to Respond to Political Bullying. Great Neck News,
October 26, 2018, 93 (43), p.28.
Cantos, A. L. & Gries, L.T. (2010). Therapy Outcome with Children in Foster Care: A
Longitudinal Study. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 27 (2), 133-149.
Romanelli, L.H., Landsverk, J., Levitt, J. M., Bellonci, C., Gries, L.T., Pecora, P.J., & Jensen,
P.S. (2009). Best Practices for Mental Health in Child Welfare: Screening, Assessment
and Treatment Guidelines. Child Welfare, Special Issue, 88 (1), 163-188.
Gries, L., & Cantos, A. L. (2008). Factors Associated with Time to Therapy Referral and
Length of Placement of Children in Foster Care. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 2 (3), 367-
Baker, A., Gries, L., Schneiderman, M., Parker, R., Archer, M., Friedrich, W. (2008). Children
with Problematic Sexualized Behaviors in the Child Welfare System. Child Welfare, 87(1).
Friedrich, W., Baker, A., Parker, R., Schneiderman, M., Gries, L., & Archer, M. (2005).
Youth with Problematic Sexualized Behaviors in the Child Welfare System: A One Year
Longitudinal Study. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 17 (4), 391-406.
Gries, L., Goh, D.S., Andrews, M.B., Gilbert, J., Praver, F., Stelzer, D. N., (2000).
Positive Reaction to Disclosure and Recovery From Child Sexual Abuse.
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 9 (1), 29-51.
Gries, L. (1999). Gries Assessment of Psychological Permanence (GAPP). East Hills, N.Y.
Schneiderman, M., Conners, M., Fribourg, A., Gries, L., & Gonzales, M. (1998).
Mental Health Services for Children in Out-of-Home Care. Child Welfare, 77 (1), 29-40.
Gries, L. (1998). Parent-Child Immunity. Letter to the Editor. New York Times, March 12, A26.
Gries, L. (1997). Psychological Permanence: A Hypothetical Construct Essential to
Permanency Planning. In J. Carrieri (Chairman), Child Abuse, Neglect and the
Foster Care System, 175, (pp. 659-675), New York: Practising Law Institute.
Cantos, A. L., Gries, L.T. & Slis, V. (1997). Behavioral Correlates of Parental Visiting
During Family Foster Care. Child Welfare, 76 (2), 309-329.
Gries, L.T., Goh, D.S., & Cavanaugh, J. (1996). Factors Associated With Disclosure
During Child Sexual Abuse Assessment. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 5 (3), 1-19.
Cantos, A. L., Gries, L.T., & Slis, V. (1996). Correlates of Therapy Referral in
Foster Children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 20 (10), 921-931.
Gries, L. (1995). Child Sexual Abuse Assessment: What Is It? What Purpose Does It
Serve? When Should It Be Performed? In Child Abuse, Neglect and the Foster Care System,
171, (pp. 351-365), New York: Practicing Law Institute.
Gries, L. (1993). Gregory of Zimbabwe. A True Story of Overcoming Child Abuse
and the Scandal of Diplomatic Immunity. Santa Barbara, CA.: Fithian Press.
Gries, L. (1992). Helping the Abused Child: A Prescription for Therapy and the Foster Care
System, 1992 Update. In J. Carrieri (Chairman), Child Abuse, Neglect and the Foster Care
System, 163, (pp. 283-318), New York: Practising Law Institute.
Gries, L. (1991). Decision-Making in Foster Care: The Child as the Primary Source of
Data. In J. Carrieri (Chairman), Child Abuse, Neglect and the Foster Care System,
158, (pp. 73-114), New York: Practising Law Institute.
Gries, L. (1990). Helping the Abused Child: A Prescription for Therapy and the
Foster Care System. In J. Carrieri (Chairman), Child Abuse, Neglect and the
Foster Care System, 154, (pp. 49-78), New York: Practising Law Institute.
Gries, L. (1990). Child Sexual Abuse Validation: Removing the Barriers to
Disclosure. In J. Carrieri (Chairman), Child Abuse, Neglect and the Foster Care
System, 154, (pp. 79-98), New York: Practising Law Institute.
Carrieri, J. & Gries, L. (1990). Child Abuse: The Supreme Court Takes Steps, But
There Is More To Do. New York Law Journal, 204, (31), pp. 1 & 5.
Gries, L. (1986). The Use of Multiple Goals In the Treatment of Foster Children
with Emotional Disorders. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 17,
(5), 381-390.
Gries, L. (1978). The Roles of the Psychologist in a Developmental Center.
Professional Psychology, 9 (4), 685-691.
Gries, L. (1972). Race and Sex of the Examiner and the Elicited Vocabulary of
Black Kindergarten Children. Doctoral dissertation, Hempstead, N.Y.: Hofstra
University. (Dissertation Abstracts International), 1973, 34, 2867B. (University
Microfilms No. 73-16, 677).
Papers and Lectures
Gries, L.T. (2019). Promoting Emotional Health For Children and Families in Child Welfare. Paper
Presented at “Destigmatizing Mental Health in Child Welfare.” Annual ACS Conference.
Administration For Children’s Services, New York, N.Y.
Gries, L.T. (2018). Dr. Blasey’s Path To Healing Following Sexual Victimization: Gaining Comprehensive
Support After Disclosing. Len’s In Focus, Blog. WWW.IEHSERVICES.COM East Hills, N.Y.
Gries, L.T. (2016). Measuring Parental Alienation. Len’s In Focus, Blog. WWW.IEHSERVICES.COM.
East Hills, N.Y.
Gries, L.T. & Jensen, P.S. (2009). Best Practice Guidelines for Mental Health in Child Welfare:
Context for Reform. Workshop presented at Annual Conference on Treatment Foster Care
Foster Family-Based Treatment Association, Atlanta, Ga.
Gries, L.T., Leichter, D., & Sanchez, R. (2008). Best Practice Mental Health Screenings.
Panel discussion at “Best Practice Mental Health Screenings and Innovative Therapeutic
Interventions in NYC’s Child Welfare System.” Conference sponsored by Committee of
Mental Health and Health Care Professionals in Child Welfare and Vincent J. Fontana Center
for Child Protection, New York Foundling, New York, N.Y.
Schneiderman, M. & Gries, L. (2008). Specialized Mental Health Needs of Children in Foster
Care: Best Practice Assessment and Therapeutic Interventions. Paper presented at
“Embracing Change and Achieving Positive Outcomes for Children, Families and
Communities.” Sr. Helen Murphy Annual Professional Conference, Association of the Bar of
the City of New York, New York.
Gries, L. (2008). The Sexually Traumatized Child: Assessment, Treatment and Recovery.
Workshop presented at “Mental Health throughout the Lifespan.” International Conference
sponsored by the Gibraltar Health Authority, Gibraltar.
Gries, L. (2008). Decision-Making and Promoting Change in Working with Child Welfare
Clients. Paper presented at “Mental Health throughout the Lifespan.” International
Conference sponsored by the Gibraltar Health Authority, Gibraltar.
Gries, L. (Chair), (2007). The Emergence of Evidence-Based Treatment: Implications for
Mental Health Practice in Child Welfare. Epstein, C., Jensen, P., Kurtz, S., Paul, H.,
Pelcovitz, D., Rowlands, S. Conference sponsored by Committee of Mental Health and
Health Care Professionals in Child Welfare and Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child
Protection, New York Foundling. New York, N.Y.
Gries, L. (2004) Assessing Parental Capacity of Parents and Infants in Foster Care. Babies
Can’t Wait Training Clinic, Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children, Queens &
Brooklyn Family Courts, N.Y.C.
Gries, L. (2004). Therapeutic Visitation in Foster Care. Seminar and workshop presented at
Hope For Youth Inc., Amityville N.Y.
Gries, L. (Moderator), (2004). The Clinician’s Dilemma: Confidentiality and Reporting Within
Child Welfare. Belfort, R., Schnur, E., Vigdor, M. Panel Discussion sponsored by Committee
of Mental Health and HealthCare Professionals in Child Welfare and the Vincent J. Fontana
Center for Child Protection, Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services, New York, N.Y.
Gries, L. (2003). Helping Children Heal: Working with Survivors of Incest. Seminar
presented at the Child and Adolescent Issues Caucus, Columbia University School of Social
Work, New York, N.Y.
Gries, L. & Gries, J. (2002). Factors Affecting Resiliency in Maltreated Children: A Holistic
Model. Workshop presented at “Fostering Resilience in Children & Adolescents.” 38th
Annual School Psychology Conference, Queens College/CUNY, Flushing, N.Y
Gries, L. (Moderator), (2002). Parenting Assessment in Foster Care. Cohen, R., Doyle-
Jimenez, Sosa-Lintner, G., Wolf, P. Panel Discussion sponsored by Committee of Physicians
and Psychologists of Voluntary Child Care Agencies, New York Foundling Hospital,
New York, N.Y.
Gries, L. & Gries, J. (2000). Foster Parent Support as Mediator of Recovery From Child Sexual
Abuse. Paper presented at San Diego Conference on Responding to Child Maltreatment,
Children’s Center For Child Protection, San Diego, CA.
Gries, L., Andrews, M.B., Gilbert, J. (2000). The Role of Parent Support in the Treatment of
Child Sexual Abuse: Recent Findings and Applications. Foster Care Grand Rounds presented
at Sheltering Arms Children’s Service, New York, N.Y.
Gries, L. & Pleshette, S. (1999). Taking Custody of Child Custody/Visitation Evaluations.
Seminar presented at “Social Work and the Law.” 1999 Annual Conference, National
Organization of Forensic Social Work, Reno, NV.
Gries, L. (1998). Responding to the Disclosures of Maltreated Children: Pathway to Health or
Psychopathology. Workshop presented at "The Challenge of At-Risk Children." 4th Annual
School Psychology Conference, Queens College/CUNY, Flushing, N.Y.
Gries, L., Andrews, M.B., Gilbert, J., Goh, D., Praver, F. (1998). Positive Reaction to
Disclosure and Recovery from Child Sexual Abuse. Paper presented at the First
International Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Chinese University
of Hong Kong.
Gries, L. (1997). Clinical Child Sexual Abuse Assessment and Forensic Investigation: Can
They Co-exist? Grand Rounds presented at St. John's Episcopal Hospital, Far Rockaway,
Gries, L. (1997). Child Sexual Abuse Assessment: Where Clinical and Legal Interests
Meet. Seminar presented at "Abuse in Our Families, Neighborhoods and Professional
Communities." 1997 Annual Conference, The National Organization of Forensic Social Work,
New York, N.Y.
Gries, L. (1997). Specialized Skills for Providing Services to Abused Children. Workshop
presented at "School Psychology in Changing Times: Making A Difference in Children's
Lives." 33rd Annual School Psychology Conference, Queens College/CUNY, Flushing, N.Y.
Chaffkin, B. & Gries, L. (1997). Psychological Permanence: A Successful Model Program for
Preserving Adoptive Families. Paper presented at the Fourth National Child Welfare
Conference, Department of Health and Human Services, Children's Bureau, Arlington, VA
Gries, L. & Fribourg, A. (1996). Models of Mental Health Intervention. In Quality Health and
Mental Health Services in Foster Care". Symposium sponsored by Committees of Physicians
and Psychologists of Voluntary Child Care Agencies, New York, N.Y.
Gries, L., Fribourg, A., Goldberg, F., Gonzales, M., Kowallis, G., Schneiderman, M., & Shaw J.
(1996). Issues concerning the identification of children and adolescents eligible for special
needs plans. Unpublished paper.
Cantos, A. & Gries, L. (1995). Congruence Between Foster Parent and Teacher Ratings of the
Behavior of Children in Foster Care. Paper presented at the meeting of the American
Psychological Association, New York, N.Y.
Gries, L. (1994). Psychological Permanence and Adoption. Keynote Address at "Moving
Through the Termination and Adoption Maze." Downstate Judicial Conference, Task Force
on Permanency Planning for Foster Children, White Plains, N.Y.
Gries, L. (1994). Mental Health Issues in Permanency for Foster Children. Featured Speaker at
"Permanency Planning for Children in Foster Care." Seminar of American Bar Association,
Center on Children and the Law, Binghamton, N.Y.
Gries, L. (1992). Meeting the Psychological Needs of the Abused Child. Workshop Presented
at Children and Violence. 28th Annual School Psychology Conference, Queens College/
CUNY, Flushing, N.Y.
Gries, L. PLI Lectures (1989 - 1997). Psychological Permanence: Recent Findings (1997).
On Being a Professional in Foster Care: Surviving the Pressures, Pursuing the Quest for
Psychological Permanence, (1996). Child Sexual Abuse Assessment: What Is It? What
Purpose Does It Serve? When Should It Be Performed? (1995). Mental Health Services and
the Birth Parent: Expectations and Realities Within the Foster Care System, (1993, 1994).
Psychological Aspects of Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse, (1992). Psychological and
Judicial Aspects of Child Abuse (1990, 1991). The Parent Retreat and Family Center: An
Alternative to Traditional Foster Care, (1989). In J. Carrieri (Chair), Child Abuse, Neglect
and the Foster Care System. Annual Seminars at the Practising Law Institute, New York, NY
Gries, L. (1988). Mental Retardation and IQ Evaluation. Lecture presented at session of
continuing Medical Education offered by the Office of Disability Determinations, New York
State Department of Social Services.
Gries, L. (Chair), (1979). Issues in Toilet Training of Retarded Persons in Institutions: Booth,
D., Fox, K., Friedin, B., & Slezak, J. Symposium. Presented at the meeting of the American
Psychological Association, New York, N.Y.
Medetsky, H. & Gries, L. (1979). Social Skills Training for People with Retarded Mental
Development. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association,
New York, N.Y
Gries, L. & Fox, K. (1978). Treatment of Aggressive Biting Behavior. Paper presented at the
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Gries, L. & Friedin (1976). The Behavioral Developmental Unit: A Short-Term Intensive
Training Unit. In D. Sorenson (Chair), An Examination of Environmental and Management
Concerns in a Large Residential Setting. Symposium presented at the meeting of the
American Association on Mental Deficiency, Chicago, Ill.
Bernstein, O., Gries, L., & Mansdorf, I. (1976). Developmental-Behavioral Progress Matrix: An
Evaluation Tool for Developmental Centers. Paper presented at the meeting of the
American Association on Mental Deficiency, Chicago, Ill.